est un shop de vente online sécurisé et de community. Vous trouverez sur notre site des articles qui touchent les milieux du snowboard, du surf, du skate et de la streetculture. Les marques principales sont Shred Optics, Volcom, Lrg, matix, Element, Urbanears, Skullcandy, Nixon... Des nouvelles rubriques viennent de voir le jour: le vintage et la vente en ligne de livres.
Professional Surfer, Sion Milosky, drowns while surfing Mavericks in NorCal. Shot @ Rock Pile. R.I.Paradise Bradah Sion. 1976-2011 Kaua'i, Hawai'i. Thoughts & Vibrations. Aloha Oe & A Hui Hou Bradah. Show your Kokua.
Cheryl Maas´s film project " Open Air " Watch the teaser
Watch the teaser for Cheryl Maas’s film project “Open Air”.
Cheryl was followed for six months doing what makes her feel the most driven, motivated, rewarded – filming.
Most of the winter was spent traveling around Europe and the US in their two person crew, Cheryl and her filmer John Roderick, allowing Cheryl the freedom to push herself in whatever way she wanted.
The results will unfold over five short films, released monthly from September 1st 2011.
In the meantime, enjoy a taste of what is to come.
Cheryl was followed for six months doing what makes her feel the most driven, motivated, rewarded – filming.
Most of the winter was spent traveling around Europe and the US in their two person crew, Cheryl and her filmer John Roderick, allowing Cheryl the freedom to push herself in whatever way she wanted.
The results will unfold over five short films, released monthly from September 1st 2011.
In the meantime, enjoy a taste of what is to come.
Encore une manière ludique...
A pratiquer avec des connaissances, la rivière peut être traitre. est en phase de préparation de sortie " tout public "
pour cet été.
Affaire à suivre prochainement...Intéress(e), merci de laisser vos coordonnées.
Nous vous contacteront dès que la température de l´eau le permettra.
Adidas will take care about the environement.
Adidas Group presented a five-year environmental strategy to revamp its approach to managing eco-friendly practices, which was published together with the brand’s Sustainability Report and sets a goal of “using 100% better cotton by 2018″ as part of its Better Cotton Initiative. The report indicates that Adidas will make every component of its business more efficient, from product design, development and sourcing to logistics, own sites and IT systems, ultimately improving the company’s environmental footprint.
Adidas currently makes snowboard googles and has done collaborations with Burton to create boots.
“Implementing environmental performance across our value chain is an important step to deliver sustainable operations over the long term,” said Herbert Hainer, Adidas Group CEO. “At the same time, our Environmental Strategy creates a sustainable platform for future performance improvements and innovations and is therefore essential for the success of our business.”
One of the milestones included in the Environmental Strategy is the company’s commitment to using 40% Better Cotton by 2015 and 100% by 2018. The Adidas Group co-founded the Better Cotton Initiative which aims to improve the environmental impact in the mainstream cotton industry. The primary focus is on reducing water consumption and pesticide use in cotton farming.
“By supporting the Better Cotton Initiative, we want to contribute to making global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in and better for our consumers,” said Hainer. “Our goal is to use 100% Better Cotton in our products by 2018 and we are excited to work closely with the Better Cotton Initiative towards achieving this ambitious goal.”
Another flagship initiative evolving from the strategy is called “Green Company” and looks at the own sites of the Adidas Group. During 2010, the Group’s headquarters in Germany and five North American sites worked together to create a shared environmental management system, certified to ISO 14001. All certified locations are managed in accordance with the international management system standard which allows global target-setting and management at HQ as well as a standardized approach to day-to-day environmental management at site level.”
Story By Transworld Business
Moments - Free Full Length 2011 Quiksilver Surf Team Movie
If you would like some free surfing footage of Dane Reynolds, Kelly Slater & others of the Quiksilver super surf squad, Quik has a free download of their new project Moments. It’s free, so that means you don’t have to pay.
Résumé de la Dahu Bruson Freeride 2011
Winter’s Children: Naked Ambition Share
Professional Snowboarders Bare All for Jim Mangan’s Short Film
Seven snowboarders go streaking down a backcountry run in professional rider-turned-director Jim Mangan’s exhilarating short film Winter’s Children. “It is an overstatement of why I started snowboarding,” says the filmmaker, who for the last 11 years designed runs at Park City Mountain in Utah where he served as creative head. “It’s also a statement about points in life when you put yourself out in the cold, naked. It’s not necessarily comfortable, but that chill in your bones makes you feel alive.” Mangan can relate: He recently cast off his business suit to pursue art full time—a move that spurred the production of the film we premiere today, which accompanies a book of photographs (published by Powerhouse) and an exhibition in conjunction with VICE at Milk Gallery in Manhattan. “Everybody who was there had a genuine intention going in, a pure love of the sport,” he says. The intrepid group included Mangan’s friend and fellow artist Peter Sutherland, as well as up-and-coming competitors Laura Hadar and Alex Andrews. He admits it took some persuading to get his cast to pair their vintage 1980s Burton snowboards with Native American blankets—and nothing else. “I brought everybody up to my place in Park City and presented the idea. They looked at me like I was crazy. Then Lara Hadar stood up and said, ‘I will totally do this.’” Cue snowball effect.
Professional Snowboarders Bare All for Jim Mangan’s Short Film
Seven snowboarders go streaking down a backcountry run in professional rider-turned-director Jim Mangan’s exhilarating short film Winter’s Children. “It is an overstatement of why I started snowboarding,” says the filmmaker, who for the last 11 years designed runs at Park City Mountain in Utah where he served as creative head. “It’s also a statement about points in life when you put yourself out in the cold, naked. It’s not necessarily comfortable, but that chill in your bones makes you feel alive.” Mangan can relate: He recently cast off his business suit to pursue art full time—a move that spurred the production of the film we premiere today, which accompanies a book of photographs (published by Powerhouse) and an exhibition in conjunction with VICE at Milk Gallery in Manhattan. “Everybody who was there had a genuine intention going in, a pure love of the sport,” he says. The intrepid group included Mangan’s friend and fellow artist Peter Sutherland, as well as up-and-coming competitors Laura Hadar and Alex Andrews. He admits it took some persuading to get his cast to pair their vintage 1980s Burton snowboards with Native American blankets—and nothing else. “I brought everybody up to my place in Park City and presented the idea. They looked at me like I was crazy. Then Lara Hadar stood up and said, ‘I will totally do this.’” Cue snowball effect.
Sex Wax it´s only on your board !
Voilà la toute dernière publicité de la fameuse wax : SEX WAX
It´s only on your board !
A ne pas utiliser pour d´autres applications !!!
It´s only on your board !
A ne pas utiliser pour d´autres applications !!!
Book : Cult Streetwear by Sims,Josh

Sims, Josh
Editeur: King, Laurence Publishing Nombre de pages: 205 Format: 223/292/18
Langue: Anglais
From its origins in American workwear, via west coast subcultures, extreme sports and subsequent commercialism, streetwear has become to fashion as hip-hop has to music: a global phenomenon. This book tells the stories of the people behind the brands from entrepreneurs to graffiti writers, DJs to surf dudes to sneaker nuts, from LA to Tokyo.
L'histoire passionnante des pionniers du streetwear depuis les années 1980, de ceux - entrepreneurs, artistes de graffiti, surfeurs ou encore DJ - qui ont fondé les plus grandes marques dans le domaine.
Disponible uniquement en anglais

Elle vend les habits de son ex infidèle sur eBay
Trompée, une Américaine a pris sa revanche en posant de manière sexy sur le site d'enchères dans le but de vendre les vêtements de son ex petit-ami.
Une jeune Américaine de 26 ans de Boca Raton en Floride, se faisant appeler Taylor Morgan, a mis à exécution une vengeance insolite sur le web. Une fois découvert avoir été trompée par son copain, juste avant les fêtes de Noël, elle a commencé à mettre aux enchères sous le pseudonyme «myexboyfriendscloset» des objets sur eBay: les habits que son petit-ami avait laissé chez elle, après l’avoir chassé de l’habitation. Et pour parfaire sa revanche et appâter la clientèle, elle a décidé de se photographier semi-nue avec les vêtements de l’infidèle, en prenant soin de ne pas montrer son visage.
Et l’opération sexy semble avoir porté ses fruits. Taylor Morgan a déclaré avoir déjà tiré 1000 dollars de sa vente aux enchères. Une chemise proposée à 49 dollars est finalement partie à 87,50 dollars, grâce à ses poses coquines. De plus, chaque objet est envoyé avec une photo et un mot de remerciement de la part de la vendeuse.
Elle a toutefois déclaré que la vente n’était pas une affaire de vengeance: «Il ne s’agit pas d’être vindicative. Je trouve que cela est très thérapeutique et très libérateur», a-t-elle déclaré au «New York Post». «Il ne voulait pas que je m’habille de manière sexy. Maintenant, je lui montre qu’il n’a plus rien à dire.» partage des information sur Viadeo
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