75 Years DC Comics: The Art of Modern Mythmaking

Available on http://www.goodiesonline.ch/category-78/category-81/75-years-dc-comics-the-art-of-modern-mythmaking.html

TASCHEN is pleased to announce that 75 Years of DC Comics: The Art of Modern Mythmaking received the 2011 Eisner Comic Industry Award for Best Comics-Related Book of the Year.

Often called the "Oscars" or the "National Book Awards" of the comics industry, the 23rd Annual Eisner Awards were held last Friday night July 22 at this year’s Comic-Con International in San Diego, California, the largest comic book and popular arts event in the Western Hemisphere.

Special congratulations go to writer Paul Levitz, former president and publisher of DC Comics, who accepted his first Eisner award on behalf of the book, as well as TASCHEN Art Director Josh Baker, DC Comics editor Steve Korte, TASCHEN editor Nina Wiener, and all the members of the DC Comics and TASCHEN staff who worked on the book.

Pick up your copy now, while it’s still available in the XL edition!

"The biggest (and best) gift you can buy a comic book fan this holiday season...the new release from TASCHEN that began as a historical project but now may qualify as a history-making one with its colossal ambitions, insight and collected rarities." Geoff Boucher, Los Angeles Times

Shock Mansion Great White Shark vs. Lunatic On Paddleboard

South African Chris Fallows, who runs diving and shark-spotting trips off Cape Town, went paddle boarding off the coasts of South Africa and Mexico, moving within sight of the predators in an attempt to dispel the theory that they post a threat to humans.
Can he keep his balance?
You want the real history ? Click on the link below



Take the Plastics Pledge

There is a section of the Pacific Ocean twice the size of the continental United States called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Within it, 100 million tons of plastic swirl in a vortex of currents. There is so much plastic in the water that it outnumbers zooplankton by six to one!
This plastic ends up in the stomachs of marine birds and animals. In fact, one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die globally each year due to ingestion of or entanglement in plastics.
Plastic is forever, with virtually every piece of petroleum based plastic ever made still in existence. That's why it's so critical to our oceans and beaches that we dramatically reduce our use of plastics, especially single-use plastics, starting today.
You can make a difference for our world's oceans, waves and beaches -- pledge to rise above plastics today.

Dont forget :
  Using reusable bottles for my water and other drinks. By using just one reusable bottle, I will keep 167 single-use plastic bottles from entering the environment.

- Using cloth bags for groceries and other purchases. For each reusable bag I use, I will save approximately 400 plastics from being used.

- Recycling the plastic bags and bottles I already have. For every thirteen plastic bags I don't use, I will save enough petroleum to drive a car one mile.

More info: 

Seeland Stand Up, C est quoi ?

Né en Polynesie puis exporter vers Hawaii, Le SUP est le nouveau sport en vogue aux USA, en Australie, passant par les Iles Britanique et le Japon.

C'est un excellent moyen pour s´évader, décompresser et se remettre en forme.
Il y aurait raison de croire que le SUP réveille une gentille hormone qui s´appelle l'endorphine et peux vous faire devir accro! Dans tous les cas, c'est un excellent sport pour travailler le gaignage, le positionnement du dos et surtout se soigner d'un méchant virus qui s'appelle le stress.

Seeland Stand Up a été fondé en mars 2011, notre concept est le suivant :

~ Location et initiation, sur lac ou rivière
~ Ecole Itinérante
~ Sorties d'entreprises ou entre amis > organisation à la carte!
~ Surf trips

~ Excusions et sorties hebdomadaires:

- Estavayer(ancienne plage)- départ devant le Ripper Bar
tous les lundi dès 19h
- La Neuveville - départ devant le Bar Nénuphare
tous les mercredi dès 19h
- Morat - rendez-vous au Dirty's
tous les jeudi dès 19h

VENEZ NOMBREUX - également avec votre propre matériel

Renseignements et prix sur demande



Arlette +41 79 204 16 15 / Severine +41 79 415 48 51
Site web